Recent e-Newsletters

Recent e-Newsletters

Partnerships that Expand Impact

JUNE 4, 2024
We have had the privilege to partner with many amazing people and organizations, read more about how we are working together for common goals!

Stories of Lives Transformed

APRIL 16, 2024
The first quarter of 2024 was full of testimonies! We had a great event for our sewing alumni, read here for some amazing stories of how they've been thriving since graduation!

e-Newsletter Archives

Print Newsletter Archives

Issue 18 – Dec 2023

Issue 17 – Aug 2023

Issue 16 – Nov 2022

Issue 15 – Jul 2022

Issue 14 – Nov 2021

Issue 13 – Jun 2021

Issue 12 – Dec 2020

Issue 11 – Jun 2020

Issue 10 – Dec 2019

Issue 9 – Sep 2019

Issue 8 – Dec 2018

Issue 7 – Aug 2018

Issue 6 – Dec 2017

Issue 5 – Dec 2016

Issue 4 – Dec 2015

Issue 3 – Aug 2015

Issue 2 – Dec 2014

Issue 1 – May 2014

A Bright New Year in Mozambique

JANUARY 12, 2024
The Reinagels traveled to the States and back at the end of 2023, and the Equip Moz team was able to kick off a great new year full of possibilities!

Giving Tuesday 2023

NOVEMBER 28, 2023
For Giving Tuesday we want to raise funds for significant upgrades to our community library so that it could reach more kids and adults with life-changing literacy and educational opportunities.

Multiplying Sewing Schools and Preventing Underage Marriage

It was a busy few months at Equip Mozambique, and we keep finding more broken systems that need God's intervention and Shalom. Find out what we are doing now!