The Problem
Mozambique is a predominantly agricultural society, with 80% of the whole population engaged in some level of farming.
Yet the vast majority of these agricultural workers live well below the poverty line because of a variety of issues:
Lack of Transport
Most rural farmers do not have a way to get their produce to urban areas to sell, so they rely on transport individuals who buy their crops and then resell them in the cities…
Unfair Pay
…However, most of the transporters do not pay a fair market price for the produce, and they make a hefty profit for one day of driving while the farmer who toiled in the sun for months is cheated.
Climate Vulnerability
The climate can be unfavorable to crops, fluctuating between droughts and floods. Farmers need to learn better irrigation strategies to help their crops thrive all year round.
Farmers are often isolated from each other and do not have a natural context to interact and strengthen each other.

The Solution
- If the farmers knew fair market prices, they would not be exploited by the transporters
- If the farmers knew better agricultural strategies, their crops could have higher yields
- If the farmers understood how to form collectives and associations, they could learn and grow together and be able to advocate for each other
- If farmers knew better irrigation methods, their crops would be more resistant to climate fluctuations

Potential Partners

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